最棒的默片之一1927的场面调度令人拍手叫绝superimposition叠影是在拍摄时而不是后期剪辑完成的优秀的配乐和声轨演技尤其面部表情也都传神 // This song of the Man and his Wife is of no place and every place; you might hear it anywhere, at any time. For wherever the sun rises and sets, in the city's turmoil or under the open sky on the farm, life is much the same; sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet. // 车水马龙的街道中央忘情接吻游乐园到处乱跑还喝酒的小猪餐厅里的双人舞影楼里本来无头的雕塑碰掉之后被套了个小圆脑袋 (此处配乐funeral march of a marionette)河面上的月光女主从一直的盘发到最后散下的长发
From office to camp and ranch, the space opens up, and so does our perspective. We've conquered the wild and given birth to civilization. Live and let live, take your places. top 2017